Resource Manager > Assignment Management page [guide]
Guide contents: Navigation | Setup & options | Resource managers interface | Creatives interface | Resources
The design of the assignment management page is new to the platinum interface and is a way to see & manage your users' workload on a weekly basis. This then translates right into the Creatives today > Tile view, so that your creatives see exactly what you see.
The goal is to have all the tasks for the week start off in the first column on Monday. Then, by end of day Friday, all the tasks will be in the completed column.
- The Due before this week column that might appear only looks back 2 months. Therefore, if you have tasks that are overdue more than 2 months, you will need to locate and resolve those another way.
- The Default sort of (work to be done) assignments is based on the task due date, and then sub-sorted by task start date. But, as soon as you manually drag an assignment to another column, or within the same column, the default sort goes away & you are now in full control.
- Likewise, because of this designed behavior, there is no search function in this view. Your users can switch to the tile or grid views to search for their assignments.
- If the sum of all of a task's assignment weekly buckets exceeds 210 (this allows for example, one - 4 year task assignment, or two - 2 year task assignments, etc.), then the Creative Today and Assignment Management screens will delay the recalc of the weekly buckets on that task, and instead have it done by the scheduling queue in Task Manager (usually within 5 minutes). After the recalc is complete, the screen will be notified by RTN and will update the assignment values on the screen, where necessary.
Setup & Options
You have various ways of filtering the users you want to manage along with other options. Simply click on the 'more' button from the top of the page to access the following.
NOTE: Depending on your level of security rights, you may not see all the options listed here.
Refresh Data
- Performs a refresh of the entire page.
Filter Options
User - Use this to show only one employee's data on the page. Department - Use this to filter a group of employees based on the department selected in their employee record. Office - Use this to filter a group of employees based on the office selected in their employee record. Company - Use this to filter a group of employees based on the GL company selected in their employee record. Service - Use this to filter a group of employees based on the service selected in their employee record. Team - Use this to filter a grouping of employees based on the team from your system setup, not the project team. Open To Do Items Only - When checked, this will limit the the task assignment cards to those that only have an Open To Do on them. Open Deliverables Only - When checked, this will limit the the task assignment cards to those that only have an Open Deliverable on them. Auto Expand Tasks - When checked, all cards will be expanded by default. |
When you have options set, they will show next to "Filter:". For example.
Edit Assignment Statuses
By default, the system is set up with three statuses: 'work to be done', 'do this today' and 'completed'. You may also assign a color to the status, which will display on the Assignment Management screen and on the Today-Creative>Tile view
This is what controls the visible columns that the traffic manager & creatives will see on their respective pages.
You can only choose one status to be the default for new tasks to start as. However, you can freely set the percent complete to whatever you choose. However, you will want at least one status that has 100% as its percent compete for those tasks that are indeed done.
You can also make it so different security groups (i.e. creative vs. media) can have different statuses & defaults.
System Settings
Max Daily Hours - Determines when the daily number turns red. Warning Threshold - This is the number of hours left that will trigger a yellow status barCritical Threshold - This is the number of hours left that will trigger a red status bar. Shorthand User Tiles - This is a condensed view that only shows the initials so more people fit across the top. Use Task Count Instead of Hours - This will show user totals based on task count instead of hours. This is useful for In-House clients that may not be tracking time. Open Deliverables Only - Limits the cards shown only ones with an Open Deliverable on the task. Open To Do Items Only - Limits the cards shown only ones with an Open To Do on the task. Completed Predecessors Only - Limits the cards shown only ones where the Predecessor task is 100% complete. Show Unassigned Tasks - This will show tasks that have no user or service currently assigned in the Assign Work list to the right. Show Assignments With Zero Allocated - This will show task assignments regardless of how many hours are assigned. Use this option if you do not allocate hours to people. Group Unassigned Tasks By - This allows you to group the Assign Work list by project, campaign, client, task name, summary task, or service. Disable Drag and Drop - This prevents drag and drop of assignment tiles between assignment statuses in this screen only. |
Resource managers interface
Enabling the resource manager for your non-administrators
While administrators will see the resource manager in their menu by default, you will need to add the security right called "traffic assignment management screen" to each security group you want to access this screen.
Resourcing Workflow
The process for the traffic manager is to click on each user and review their work for the week. From there, make determinations about balancing out the work.
You can then drag and drop the assignment cards into different status columns, or onto the users up top. All of which then translates to what the creatives will see from the Tile View.
After a quick refresh, you should see a similar result.
Similarly, from the Assign Work list on the left, you can drag and drop the unassigned cards into the status columns of the current user, or drop onto the name tile of a user up top.
You can also drag and drop the tasks to change the order within the status column. This allows you to choose the order in which you want your creatives to work on their assignments.
- When you drag and drop a tile from Assign Work to a user name up top, it will appear in the default status column.
- If you have different status columns setup for each security group, then when you drag and drop between users up top, the tile will appear in their default status column.
- You can prevent the creatives from being able to drag the tiles to different statuses, so you as the traffic manager can be in control of what status each task is in. This is setup in Today Creatives > More > System Settings.
- Completing an assignment 100% in either the Assignment Management or Today Creatives, will automatically move it to the first status setup as 100%.
- The column for Due Before This Week will only go back 2 months for overdue tasks. If there are no overdue tasks before this week, then the column will not appear for the user.
Editing the Assignment Details
In addition to straight up resourcing, you can also make edits to the assignment and task its on.
From here you can edit the Assignment and Task Details.
Additionally you can add a Conversation, that can send an email and alert the user on their Today Creative card.
Or add a To Do, to add a bit more finite detail to go along with the Task.
Creatives Interface
Enable the Tile View for Today Creatives
While logged in as an administrator, go to your Today creatives page. Then click on More > System settings. Here you can check 'tile view'.
With the tile view enabled, your creatives can then interact with the same view of the task data for the week.
Your creatives can then enter time and update the percentage (mark task done) as they do with the other views.
The main difference here is that when a task is dropped onto the Completed status (i.e. 100% complete), it does not disappear from view.
Your creatives can also see all assigned tasks for the week, regardless if the predecessor is completed or not. There will be a red Schedule icon that appears to let them know that this task's predecessor is not yet complete. They can then take that into account if they should be working on it yet or not.
Due before this week
This column appears when there are assigned tasks that have a plan completed date that is prior to this week.
NOTES: The column for Due before this week will only go back 2 months for overdue tasks.
If a task is due before today, but still part of this week, a red bar will appear to the left of the card and OVERDUE will appear within the card.