Global lists: Scheduled reports [in-depth guide]
Guide contents: Overview | Setup new report | Edit/delete scheduled reports | Send Report
Workamajig allows you to create a view, standard report or custom report to auto-run and send a link of the results to any contact or employee that has an email address in Workamajig. The email will contain a link to a PDF or Excel formatted file. The information contained in the report will be based on the filters set up on the report before hitting the Search/Run button. The results you see on the screen are what the link receiver will see.
- The report has to return data initially for the 'create new schedule' option to appear.
- If you edit the report's layout (columns, etc), then you must create a new schedule.
- Scheduled report is limited to 5000 lines. If the report exceeds the limit, we will add a note in the results column for that scheduled report that says, "Your scheduled report was not sent because it exceeded the 5000 line limit."
- We will NOT send an email if the limit is exceeded.
- We currently do not send emails if the email address is not present or invalid.
- If there is no data contained in the results, an email will still be sent noting this fact.
The auto-run works much like scheduling a calendar meeting. You are able to define how often it will recur, who will receive the email and the end date for ending the recurrence.
Each designated recurrence will generate a new email with a unique link. Each link will have an expiration date that can be set (max 90 days).
NOTE: There are no security rights that are in place for the recipients. If you send the email to them, they will see the results. So if you send a report that contains, for example, 'labor net', a person that does not have access to that information directly in Workamajig would be able to see it in the report. You should therefore be cautious when adding people to the 'email to' list.
Item of importance
Date filters: Many reports are set up to run using a date filter, such as 'date worked', 'project start date', etc. The date you set for this filter in your report is how the report will be run every time. So if you set up a filter to run between 12/1 - 12/31, and you set the schedule to run for Dec, Jan, and Feb, the report link that is sent in Jan and Feb will show data for 12/1 - 12/31 only. We are in the process of adding predefined date ranges to many of the reports. You are able to see these in Corporate P&L, Client P&L, etc. These provide today, tomorrow, last month, last week, etc., types of date range as a filter. In this case, if set to 'last month', the above example would send me a link in Dec. for November data, a link in Jan. for December data, and so on.
If predefined ranges are not available as a filter, please send the URL associated with the report to Until this is added to the report, use a different field as your main filter for excluding data.
The following standard reports are NOT available with the schedule feature:
Report center > Financial reports >
- Corporate P&L
- Client profit & loss (detail)
- Client profit & loss (multi)
- Project profit & loss (detail)
- Project profit & loss (multi)
Report center > AP reports>
- Accrued order detail
Setup a new report schedule
1. Open or create your custom report.
You can follow these instructions on how to create a New custom report.
2. Click Search. To verify you type of data that will be sent.
3. Click on More > New Schedule button at top of the report screen.
- This will open the Report scheduling screen.
4. Edit the Schedule details.
Edit Details
Schedule name: Populates with the default name of the report dataset used.
Description: Used for administrative reference of what this report is used for.
Days to keep report (90 max): the emailed link will have access to the specific report for this number of days. After X days, the link will be invalid. Start Date: Sets the date on which all Recurrences will count from. Run Time: Specify the time of day you want the report to be run and sent.
NOTE: The 'days valid' window is for each emailed link for the report. As each triggered email is sent out, the link is valid for the specified number of days.
Send No Data Report Notifications: (checked by default) when checked if the results of the report have no data, an email notification will be sent with this fact stated in the body of the email. If unchecked, no notification will be sent.
Export Type: Can choose from PDF, Excel or CSV.
Daily: You can set the email to go out every 'X number of days', or every ' X day of the week'
Weekly: Set every 'X number of weeks' and select the actual days of the week to generate
Monthly: Set a specific day of every 'X number of months' and select the first/second/third/fourth/last of any day of the week
Yearly: Set specific MM/DD or select the first/second/third/fourth/last of any day of the week for a given month
No end date: Will run based on the recurrence setting until you delete the schedule
End after: Will run based on the recurrence setting until the number of occurrences has been met.
End by: Will run based on the recurrence setting until the specified date is met.
5. Edit the Email To list.
WARNING: Security rights are not observed. The contents of the report will be visible to all who receive the link
Any receipts without an email address with appear as No Email.
Edit/delete schedule
From the report, you can click on More > View Scheduled Reports, to see all Scheduled Repots for this one report.
Additionally, you can see all Scheduled Reports from:
Menu > Admin/Manager > System Setup > Global Lists > Scheduled Reports
- Click on the schedule you want to edit/delete.
- The same screen used to create the schedule will be displayed.
- Make any changes you need and Save. The Schedule will now be updated.
- To delete: click the Delete button at the bottom of the screen.
We recommend that you bookmark the Schedule reports page in your browser for quick access in the future.
Send Report
You can initiate a send of the report without waiting for the next recurrence.
To do this, open the scheduled report, click on More > Send Report.
This will queue up the report to be send in the next batch.
Its useful if you are testing out the feature, or if you need to resend a report.
NOTE: Currently this button will only work once a day for each scheduled report.