Custom reports datasets [overview]
Guide contents: Contact management | Project | Traffic | Purchasing | Billing | Financial | Other
This is a list of the custom reports datasets available in the system. They are listed by name and description. For more info on using these datasets, please refer to the Custom reports [guide].
NOTE: What a user can see in a custom report is not restricted by security rights.
Contact management
Activity data (i.e. conversations) - This dataset gives you access to the activities.
Activity link data (i.e. conversations) - This dataset gives you access to the activity link users
Company contact data (custom fields from the company and contact) - This dataset gives you access to the contacts in contact management. There is one line per person. If there is no person in the company, there will be one line for the company. This dataset will not limit records based on Database or contact owner and give the designer complete access to all contacts. The custom fields come from the company level and contact level.
Company contact data (custom fields from the contact and company) - This dataset gives you access to the contacts in contact management. There is one line per person. If there is no person in the company, there will be one line for the company. This dataset will not limit records based on database or contact owner and give the designer complete access to all contacts linked to a company. The custom fields come from the contact level and company level.
Company contact data with EIN - This dataset gives you access to the contacts in contact management. It includes the companies EIN. There is one line per person. If there is no person in the company, there will be one line for the company. This dataset will not limit records based on Database or contact owner and give the designer complete access to all contacts linked to a company. The custom fields come from the Contact level and Company level.
Company level data - This dataset is the same as you would get in the views area. There is one row per company.
Opportunity activity data - This dataset gives you access to opportunities in the contact management system.
Opportunity spec sheet data - This dataset gives you access to the specification sheets tied to opportunities. This data includes the fields on the opportunity page, the spec sheet subject and description, and any custom fields tied to the spec sheet. There is one row per spec sheet.
Campaign level data - This dataset is the same as you would get in the views area. There is one row per campaign.
Campaign spec sheet data - This dataset gives you access to the specification sheets tied to campaigns. This data includes the fields campaign summary dataset, the spec sheet subject and description, and any custom fields tied to the spec sheet. There is one row per campaign and spec sheet.
Deliverable detail - This dataset gives you deliverable details. One row per comment.
Estimate data - This dataset gives you access to top-level estimate information.
Estimate detail data - This dataset gives you access to detailed estimate information. There is one row per estimate, task, and service.
Project billing schedule data - This dataset gives you access to summary information on projects and their billing schedule. There is one line item per project and billing schedule entry.
Project cost transaction data - This dataset combines the different types of project costs into a single dataset. This lists all expenses and labor entries that are tied to a project.
Project cost transaction data (labor net) - This dataset combines the different types of project costs into a single dataset. This lists all expenses and labor entries that are tied to a project. Labor costs are reported at net.
Project cost transaction data (with open orders) - This dataset combines the different types of project costs into a single dataset. This lists all expenses and labor entries that are tied to a project, including open orders.
Project items/billing titles - This dataset gives you access to all the items/billing titles on all your projects. There is one row for each item/billing title. Only use this dataset if your company uses billing titles.
Project items/services - This dataset gives you access to all the items/services on all your projects. There is one row for each item/service.
Project request data - This dataset gives you access to project request. This data includes the fields on the main request form page and any custom fields tied to the header. There is one row per request.
Project request detail data - This dataset gives you access to project request details. This data includes the fields on the main request form page and any custom fields tied to the header as well as any approval rejection information per step. There is one row per approver per step.
Project request level data - This dataset gives you access to detailed estimate information. There is one row per transaction.
Project request spec sheet data - This dataset gives you access to the specification sheets tied to project requests. This data includes the fields on the main request form page, the spec sheet subject and description, and any custom fields tied to the spec sheet. There is one row per spec sheet.
Project spec sheet data - This dataset gives you access to the specification sheets tied to projects. This data includes the fields project summary dataset, the spec sheet subject and description, and any custom fields tied to the spec sheet. There is one row per project and spec sheet.
Project summary data - This dataset gives you access to summary information on projects. There is one line item per project. This allows you to easily create reports that roll up by office, AE, or client.
Project summary data with billing schedule - This dataset gives you access to summary information on projects. There is one line item per project billing schedule.
Project summary data with team - This dataset gives you access to summary information on project team information. There is one line item per project user.
Project task data - This dataset gives you access to all the tasks on all your projects. There is one row for each task.
Project to-do items - This dataset shows one row for each to-do item.
Task assignments - This dataset is the same as you would get in the views area. There is one row per assignment.
Allocated hours data - This dataset gives you access to hours allocated to a user. There is one row for a project, task, and user.
Task assignment data - One row per task assignment.
Task assignment weekly data - This dataset gives you access to the individual task assignments and the weekly allocated hours. This allows you to create weekly or monthly grids of allocated hours, gross or net. It has all the same fields as the task assignment dataset, but there will be one row for each week of the assignment.
Time detail data - One row per time entry. Includes the employee hourly cost.
Time detail data (no costs) - One row per time entry.
Time detail data (with employee custom fields) - One row per time entry.
Broadcast order data - This dataset gives you access to broadcast order information. There is one row per order line.
Credit card charge application data - This dataset shows credit card transactions that pay other vendor invoices to show how credit cards have been applied.
Credit card charges - This dataset is the same as you would get in the views area. There is one row per credit card entry.
Credit card connector detail data - This dataset gives you access to charges in the credit card connector.
Expense envelope detail data - This dataset gives you access to expense receipts across the company.
Insertion order data - This dataset gives you access to insertion order information. There is one row per order line.
Miscellaneous costs data - This dataset gives you access to all miscellaneous costs across the company.
Order detail accrual data - This dataset gives you access to order detail information across all order types. There is one line per order, order line and vendor invoice applied to the line. The dataset includes all orders regardless if they have been accrued or have vendor invoices applied.
Order detail data - This dataset gives you access to order detail information. There is one row per order line.
Purchase order accrued amounts - This dataset gives you access to order detail information across all types of orders detailing both client and vendor invoices and their respective accrued amounts.
Purchase order data - This dataset gives you access to purchase order information. There is one row per purchase order line. This allows you to either report things like total purchases per item or, if you group rows, total purchases by vendor.
Purchase order level data - This dataset is the same as you would get in the Views area. There is one row per transaction.
Quote details - This dataset gives you access to quotes. There is one row per quote, vendor, and line item quoted.
Quote level data - This dataset is the same as you would get in the Views area. There is one row per quote.
Vendor invoice data - This dataset gives you access to vendor invoices. There is one row per invoice line item. This allows similar reports to purchase orders but on invoice data.
Vendor invoices - This dataset is the same as you would get in the Views area. There is one row per invoice.
Vendor payments detail - This dataset gives you access to vendor payments. There is one row per payment detail line. Custom fields come from the vendor.
Vendor payments - This dataset gives you access to vendor payments. There is one row per payment detail line. Custom fields come from the vendor.
Vendor payments and credit card charges - This dataset gives you access to vendor payments. There is one row per payment detail line. Custom fields come from the vendor. Credit card charges are also included. There is one row per vendor invoice or one row per expense.
Advance billing data - This dataset gives you access to the advanced bill data. There is one row per application of a real invoice to an advance bill invoice.
Billing data - This dataset gives you access to client invoices. There is one line item per invoice line item.
Billing schedule data - This dataset is the same as you would get in the views area. There is one row per billing schedule entry.
Billing transaction detail data - This dataset gives you access to transactions linked to client invoices. There is one line per transaction associated with each invoice line item. This includes labor, expense receipts, miscellaneous costs, vendor invoice, and purchase orders.
Billing transaction detail data with COGS - This dataset gives you access to transactions linked to client invoices. There is one line per transaction associated with each invoice line item. This includes labor, expense receipts, costs of goods and services, vendor invoice and purchase orders.
Billing worksheet - This dataset is the same as you would get in the views area. There is one row per worksheet.
Billing worksheet detail - This dataset displays the transaction details on the electronic billing worksheets.
Client invoice level data - This dataset is the same as you would get in the Views area. There is one row per invoice.
Client receipt level data - This dataset is the same as you would get in the Views area. There is one row per invoice.
Deposit level data - This dataset is the same as you would get in the views area. There is one row per invoice.
Receipt data - This dataset gives you access to receipt data. This data may include but is not limited to projects, account managers, checks, and invoices.
Budgeted revenue detail - This dataset gives you access to the revenue detail across financial budgets.
GL cash transaction detail data - This dataset gives you access to cash basis entries in the general ledger. These are the detailed posted entries from all sub-ledgers.
GL transaction detail data - This dataset gives you access to entries in the general ledger. These are the detailed posted entries from all sub-ledgers.
Journal entry level data - This dataset is the same as you would get in the Views area. There is one row per invoice.
Revenue forecast details - This dataset gives you access to the detailed transactions associated with forecasts.
WIP posting detail data - This dataset gives you access to the detail transactions associated with WIP posting.
API activity - This dataset gives you access to the API activity data.
Calendar data - One row per meeting.
Company divisions setup - This dataset gives you one row per company and division for the company. This is used to check your setup of divisions under a company.
Company GL company access setup - This dataset provides one row for each company and GL company that has access to the company. This is only used if you use GL company access restrictions and you want to check your setup for company access restrictions.
Company products setup - This dataset gives you one row per company and product for the company. This is used to check your setup of products under a company.
Contact GL company access setup - This dataset provides one row for each contact and GL company with access to the company. This is only if you use GL company access restrictions and you want to check your setup for contact access restrictions.
Custom fields of project requests and spec sheets - This dataset gives you access to all custom fields defined for project requests and spec sheets.
Email sending log - This dataset shows one row for each email that was sent out. This log is purged for records older than 6 months.
Employee data - This dataset gives you access to employee information. This includes rate and cost information.
Employee GL company access setup - This dataset provides one row for each employee and GL company with access to the company. This is only used if you use GL company access restrictions and you want to check your setup for employee access restrictions.
Employee services - This dataset gives you employees and the services they have access to. This is used to check your setup for services access.
Expense report level data - This dataset is the same as you would get in the views area. There is one row per expense report.
Labor budget detail - This dataset allows you to labor values by budget, office, department, and employee.
Project request setup data - This dataset gives you access to project request setup information. There is one row per request setup.
Project template assignment data - This dataset gives you access to project template assignment data.
Project template custom fields data - This dataset gives you access to project template custom field data.
Project template data - This dataset gives you access to project template setup data. There is one row per template.
Project template task data - This dataset gives you access to project template task data.
Reports - This dataset gives you access to custom report information. Useful for finding who has access or private access to a report, including custom reports.
System log - This dataset is the same as you would get in the views area for the system log.
Timesheet level data - This dataset is the same as you would get in the views area. There is one row per timesheet.
Tracking form data - This dataset gives you access to the tracking forms system. All tracking forms are listed in the same view, so each report should be filtered only to show the type of form you want on the report.