Custom graphs [guide]
Create your own | Layout | Graph types | Use a Calculated Field | Filters | Colors | Settings | Export/Import | Tips and Tricks | Resources
You can now create your own customizable graphs, based on report data in Workamajig.
This guide will go over the advanced features of creating your own graphs. But it helps if you are already familiar with using Custom reports.
- Each graph page has a security right that may need to be enabled for you to have access to it.
- To view only graphs, you need the security right of Run Custom Reports.
- To edit/create graphs, you need the security rights of Edit Custom Reports and Design Custom Reports.
- If you have enabled the dashboards beta and do not see them in your menu. Then be sure to click on Show All Apps in the bottom right of the menu screen.
- Each role in the menu will have its own dashboard. So if you can access the today page of that role, then you can access the dashboard for that role. For example, if you have access to the Today - managers page, then you have access to the Managers Dashboard and Owners Dashboard.
- Each graph's security can be adjusted so only certain security groups will see it.
- The original dashboards for sales, project manager, and billing are still available to use. You will see the new ones next to them called New Sales Dashboard, New PM Dashboard, and New Billing Dashboard. Please provide feedback on the original vs new and what kind of features you are looking to get out of the dashboards.
Create your own
In this example, we will use the time detail data to produce a pie chart of the total hours to date per client.
Click on Edit.
Then click on New to chose a custom report dataset from which to use as the base data for your chart/graph.
When you choose a report dataset, you will be presented with the Graph Options, which you can use to design your Layout.
From the Layout, choose a Graph Type. Then populate the remaining required options, such as X axis, Y Axis, and Rollup. Other options include Series and Sorting.
At this point, you can click on Refresh to preview the graph.
NOTE: You might need to Save Changes and reopen the Graph for it to Refresh properly.
Click on Filters if you want to add additional controls to what amount or type of data is presented.
Click on Settings to change the name of this graph.
Click on Save Changes.
You will then be taken back to the home screen where you can resize and if you have multiple graphs, you can reorder them.
Press Save once you have the graphs lined up the way you like.
Graph types
Bar Graph
This allows you to compare values for a specific metric.
Line Graph
This is best used with a time-based metric or value that flows.
Pie Graph
Simply way to see a comparative value or a metric.
Key Metrics
Allows you to see multiple values in a single view. This is good for seeing the totals of specific fields.
X-Axis: Values will usually be dates, names/projects, and numbers
Y-Axis: Values will usually be numbers/values only
Series: (bar and line graphs only) Adds another layer into the graph, as it can show values within the Line or Bar.
Rollup: selected value for the y-axis will be sum/group/average/etc....
Use a Calculated Field
The X-Axis, Y-Axis and Series, allow you to create a Calculated Field. Depending on the axis used, the field will allow you to concatenate field values or perform simple calculations.
NOTE: Do not use special characters (!@#$-+) in the Caption of a Calculated Field, or else your results will be 0.
X-Axis and Y-Axis
These contain different lists to prevent the report from trying to compare the same data against itself.
This is usually set to sum, but you can choose from other options as needed.
(bar and line graphs only)
Adds another layer into the graph, as it can show values within the line or bar.
When using a Calculated Flied in the Series, you can custom name items in the Legend this way. For example:
case when [value] = #x# then #y# else [value] end
(key metrics only)
Allows you to add fields and choose how their operation, typically sum. It can also make a calculated metric, by which you can do math-based computations on the field of the dataset chosen.
If you are familiar with custom reports, then this should make sense as to how these work.
If not, then you can use this section as a way to limit (or specify) the amount of data used to generate the graph.
The big thing to note here is that if Prompt is checked, then you have to enter in search parameters in the graph to filter the results. If Prompt is not checked, then the parameters set here will filter the results automatically.
Before grouping - This section will filter based on the data in the system.
After grouping - This section will filter data based on the results, prior to displaying them.
You can assign a Colors to certain system setup items and it reflect in the Graphs.
The default color assignments are based on the number of variables and the value of the amounts of these variables. Generally if you have 3 categorized results, then the largest value is Blue, followed by Red and finally Green.
What items can you assign colors to that appear in Graphs? Currently this is limited to:
Departments, Offices, Services, Project Types, Timeline Segments, To Do Status, Conversation Type, Meeting Type, Deliverable Type and Deliverable Status
NOTE: Color is not part of the default column set for Services.
Below is an example when the Office setup above is used in a Graph as the Series.
NOTE: Any values not associated with a set variable, in this case, no Office was set on the projects, whi results in a None result, will default to the color Blue.
Graph name - Defaults the report dataset used for the graph, can customize the name shown here.
Legend position - Default is Left, but you can choose from None, Left, Right, Top, or Bottom.
Report description - Adds a description that is shown when you click on the "?" next to the name of the graph.
Tab name - Default is blank, which is home. Graphs with the same tab name will be grouped together. This allows you to have logical groupings of graphs that the end user can switch between.
Maximum item count (pie graph only) - Determines the number of slices shown for the highest values, the remaining lower results are grouped into "Other".
Upper target and lower target (bar and line graph only) - Using these options can set a visual target that you are looking to measure against on your graph.
X-axis label and y-axis Label (bar and line graph only) - Adds a descriptive label below the x and y axis.
Owner - Shows the username for who originally created the graph.
Last modified - Shows the date the graph was last updated.
Visible to - Defaults to all security groups. However, you can limit which groups can see this graph.
Graphs are now able to be exported as a view to import into another instance of Workamajig. This is a great option for users that have multiple Workamajig instances and want the same graph(s) in each instance.
To export a graph, go to the graph page, click on the "edit", and click edit for the graph you would like to copy.
In the edit of the graph, click more-export view
This will prompt the download of the CSV. Save the CSV. To import the file, go to menu-admin/manager-import data.
Choose "view" for the type of import. Click select a file for import to choose the file.
Display file to get to the option to import the file. Do not change anything on the file, even if there are fields that are not mapping. Click Import Selected
It will read as "imported" once the view is successfully imported. The graph will be found in the same place it was exported from. If it was a PM graph, the import will now show in the PM Graphs page in the Workamajig instance it was imported into.
Tips and Tricks
How add Color to a single level Bar Graph.
When you populate the A Axis and choose the Rollup of Count. This makes the Y Axis no longer required or visible. Yet the Series is optional.
Then if you add the same field to the Series that you have in the X Axis, it will then give the bars color.
If the field used has colors associated with them, then their custom custom pull in, and whatever doesn't have a custom color will be assigned the default color scheme.