(Oct 2022)
Release Detail For
Fixed an issue with ICS links being incorrect.
Fixed an issue where new in-line images were not being added when using WMJ WebDAV.
Expense Reports
Added Deleting of Expense Reports to the System Log.
Corrected the error message and logging with submitting Expense Reports created for a user other than the logged user.
Notifications and Approvals
Added Campaign Name and Segment Name to the New Project email notification.
Added an Over Budget Campaign notification in the Employee's notification section.
When a credit card approver has a backup approver, credit charges are added to the Notifications Bell in the Backup Approvals section.
Added an option under Report Settings to Default Report View to Pivot.
Modified the Vendor Name column on the Time Detail Data ( with Labor Net), Time Detail (no costs), Time Detail ( with Employee Custom Fields). When there is no vendor invoice associated with the time entry, the Vendor Name from the User record (if one is set) is displayed.
Changed the Company ID and Name to lookups on the Time Detail Data (with Labor Net) dataset.
Added an option to Show Summary Acct Totals on the Client Profit and Loss and the Project Profit and Loss reports.
Changed the required grouping in the Time Productivity Analysis report to require the first grouping option instead of the third.
Changed the GL Company lookup on the AR and AP Aging report to an any of selection.
Added Billing Item ID, Billing Item, Department and Company Type to the Billing Data and Transaction Detail Data dataset.
Added the description to the Task Assignment view in Custom Reports.
Added Contact Middle Name to Company Contact Data (Custom Fields from the Company and Contact), Company Contact Data (Custom Fields from the Contact and Company), Company Contact Data with EIN and the Contact Views. Also changed the Middle Name field to appear on the Contact Edit screen.
Fixed an issue with the Project Budget Analysis scheduled report getting sent with no data found.
Added Attachment Count and Line Attachment Count to the Credit Card Connector Detail Dataset.
Corrected an issue with the Billing Worksheet scheduled report not remembering when only a parent client is selected.
Fixed an issue with the memo field not showing for some transactions on the General Ledger report.
Added Access Restriction field to company, clients and vendor views and company datasets.
Added Paused Time to the Time Entry and Time Sheet Approval lists.
Fixed Start Time rounding issue.
Fixed an issue with the Default GL Company not populating for new Leads.
Project Manager
Enabled Conversations, To Dos and rounds on Campaign Deliverables.
Now updating Deliverable Comments using Real Time Notifications.
Changed the Deliverable Instructions to be unlimited.
Added new options to the Deliverable System Settings to "Use corresponding annotations and comments" and "Use replace test with PDFs".
Project Requests
Now displaying a link back to the Project Request Conversation if the receiver is a client vendor login and the conversation is visible to the client.
Added the Approval Step Instructions to the Project Request edit screen.
Fixed an issue with the Projects page list where the grid is emptied after a favorite is removed.
Allowing fields that contain a percent symbol when filtering in views.
Use Last Task Due Date to show the Gantt on Project Manager - Projects if there is not Project Due Date.
Fixed an issue on the schedule task calculations when the Actual Start date is set to a non-working date.
Fixed an issue with printing the schedule GANTT to Excel.
Today Project Manager
Added Account Manager to the Campaign Views.
Billing Worksheets
When child Billing Worksheets are removed from the Master, the payment terms are now pulled from the client first, then the Transaction Preference setting.
On the Clients > Billing > Credit Card panel, the month and year fields are now lookups to ensure correct data.
Credit Card Connector
Corrected an issue on the Credit Card Connector where using the Change Selected panel cleared the Split Projects details from transactions.
When the GL Tracking -> Multiple Currencies is Enabled, the Checks to Print screen now displays a Currency column along with a new Currency filter under the Selection Options. An 'All' option is now available when you blank out the Currency filter. Also modified were the To Pay As Of (Expense Reports, Vendor Invoices, Credit Cards screens) to display the Home Currency in the Currency columns.
Added DBA to Payments Detail screen if the Vendor has one.
Fixed an issue when printing a check in a foreign currency that displayed the home currency amount on the check.
Today Purchasing
Fixed an issue that prevented foreign currency payments to be counted in the Checks to Print list on the Purchasing > Today page.
Vendor Invoices
Made the Vendor Invoice header Description field clickable when a URL is entered. The Line Description field will be clickable when they are not editable.
Users that have 'View Only' access to Broadcast and Insertion orders now have the pencil next to the Details, and a locked down panel of the order header details is now available.
Today Accounting
Added Printing options to Scheduled Transactions View on Today > Accounting.
Added the Completed Predecessors Only checkbox to the mass update for Task Reminder Employee Notification.
Import Data
The Employee Import has been modified to allow you to import Overtime Cost and Vendor Overtime Cost. The Track Overtime lab and Transaction Preference must be on to see the new fields.
Added Subject to the Project Spec Sheet Import fields.
Class ID (Line) is available again on the Vendor Invoices import.
Fixed an issue with the Task import where it incorrectly reset the Actual Start date, Actual Complete date, Percent Complete and Plan Duration existing data.
System Setup
Designer Invoices now supports balance forward fields for Services & Items
Fixed an issue with the Global Search that failed to allow users with View rights to search PO's, IO's and BO's.
When manually adding a Currency Rate, the home currency now defaults in the To Currency column.
Fixed an issue where the Job Jacket for Template Projects was not displaying.
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