(Jul 2022)
Release Detail For
Added logging to the System Log when a Meeting is deleted.
Added Calendar updates to Real Time Notifications.
Fixed an issue with the time changing when a user from a different time zone than the organizer edits a meeting.
Added a confirmation page when unsubscribing to Conversations so the users would not be automatically unsubscribed.
Notifications and Approvals
Added Tracking Forms to the Notification Bell. These will include not completed tracking forms assigned to you.
Added a Completed Predecessors Only check box option to the Task Reminder Notifications.
Added Project Type to the New Opportunity notification.
Added Labor Gross to the Campaign P&L Multi report.
The 'Pay To Name on Payment' field has been added to the Vendor Payment Detail Data dataset.
The Media Detail Report with "Hide Details" selected, no longer shows vendor invoice number or a client invoice number.
Added Planning Project, Planning Project Number, Planning Project Name and Planning Project Full Name to the available fields of Task Assignment Weekly Data.
Added Last Date Worked field to the Project Summary dataset.
Added Campaign ID and Campaign Name to the Deliverables Details Dataset.
Added column Line Item Item Full Name (Item ID and Item Name) to the Vendor Payments and Credit Card Charges dataset.
Added two separate columns on the Vendor Payments and Credit Card Charges dataset: Line Item ID, and Line Item Name
Corrected an issue with the Corporate P&L and Balance Sheet that sometimes required the user to have to request the Excel file two times for it to generate.
Corrected an issue where when you modified a custom report a second version would open, on the screen, when it was memorized.
Corrected an issue with the WIP Analysis where a discrepancy was caused by a WIP entry in the General Ledger for a time entry with a different office.
Added 'AnyOf' lookup functionality to CompanyID and CompanyName to the 'Project Cost Transaction Data', 'Project Cost Transaction Data (Labor Net)' and 'Project Cost Transaction Data (with Open Orders)' reports.
Corrected an issue with Advance Billing report when request includes Account Manager.
Fixed an issue with deleted Reports not being removed from the Favorites.
Added Collapse/Expand all to the more menu when using Grouping options on Time Sheets.
Tracking Forms
Added growl message to go with the Tracking Forms being added to the Notification Bell.
Creative Today
On Creative Today if you have ALL but don't have Completed Predecessors Only checked, we limit the results to only pull tasks that start after 12 weeks from today's date.
Now using RTN to notify the Creative Today and Assignment Management screen that the Open To Do count has been recalculated, so it'll refresh automatically.
Added Key People fields from the related project as available field columns on the Today-Creatives grid view.
Client Portal
Corrected an issue where the Spec Sheets linked to a project estimate, using a designer Layout did not appear on the Client Portal.
Sales Today
Added a Campaign tab for Conversations where we currently have a Projects tab on Today-Pages. This will look at the AM/PM set on those campaigns to see those campaign level conversations.
Project Manager
Added an option to Copy Campaign Files when copying campaigns.
Added Expand/Collapse All to the Campaign Budget screen under More.
Added Segment Names and Segment Descriptions both as comma delimited strings on the Campaign Level Dataset.
Added a search functionality to the Template list for Campaigns.
Fixed an issue with Deliverables getting self approved when there is a required approver.
Fixed an issue with Estimates accessed by client contacts that did not honor the Designer Layout when one was specified.
Modified the Campaign Estimates using a designer Layout: The Description on lines with Projects that have multiple approved Estimates will now show the Project Description for those lines rather than just "All Approved." Other Project lines with a single approved Estimate will continue to show the Estimate Description.
Planning Projects
Now hiding the Available People tab on Planning Projects when people are not allowed to be assigned.
Project Requests
Made the Display Only Custom Field type use the advance text editor box.
Fixed an issue with Project Requests printing the information twice.
Now using the Default GL Company on the Client if there is one when creating a Project from a Project Request.
Fixed an issue where the notification bell was showing a different number of Project Requests to be approved then the list when you click on it.
Project Settings
Fixed an issue with the Project Billing Status not being shown on the project dashboard when the user linked to the project from outside WMJ.
Copying over the Include in Forecast being checked when copying from a project or project template that has estimates with that option checked.
Fixed an issue where the header was off by one column when printing the Project View Timeline to Excel.
Added the Station or Publication to the cards in the Insertion Order or Broadcast Order screen from the project dashboard.
Now highlighting the task, assignment, and predecessor rows when the schedule is updated automatically by real time notification.
Fixed a schedule issue with auto-save on and the percent complete on multiple rows is edited, but only the first row is saved.
Fixed issue where tasks with a constraint of Duration of Project were allowed to become child tasks.
ToDo Board
Added Department and Team to the Project's To Do filter options under the 3 dot menu.
Added the ability to edit the To Do board in Grid view.
Resource Manager
Assignment Management
Fix for Assignment management screen to allow for blockout days that overlap with the selected week.
Staff Schedule
Added Service Code column when outputting the Staff Schedule to Excel when using Include Detail Tasks option.
Added System Settings on the Week view like we have for Day view on the Staff Schedule screen.
Fixed an issue where some vacation meetings were displaying on the Staff Schedule as "Private Meeting" when the user has rights to view the vacation meetings.
Billing Today
The Billing > Today screen now supports clients with Client IDs up to 75 characters.
Fixed an issue with the Client lookup on new Projects using the wrong field to validate if it was an active client or not.
Mass Billing Fixed Fee
Modified Mass Billing > Fixed Fee: when there is a billing schedule (not billed) and the next billing date is before today, you can generate the invoice. This rule works even when there were other invoices already generated.
Mass Billing Media
Mass Billing - Media has been enhanced with a drill-down for each row on the screen.
Retainers billed by either Mass Billing or Billing worksheets will no longer show negative amounts for Remaining Periods.
The Purchasing Today > Select Invoices to Pay screen has been enhanced to show the Client ID and Client Name for Media accounts that link Through Estimates (project is not required) from the IO/BO Details or from the AP Invoice lines.
Purchase Orders
Modified PO/IO/BO orders when: Trans Pref > Projects > Project Changes > Create a new version for every spec sheet change option is ON, to update any spec sheet connected to an order with the "Latest" version of the spec from the project. Also added the spec sheet version to the PO/IO/BO screens and printed versions.
Request for Quotes
Added the 'Send Replies To' field to the Today Purchasing > Open Requests for Quotes screen.
Added Client ID, Client Name, Campaign ID and Campaign Name as available column fields on the materials due and space close screens for both Print and Broadcast in the Today-Media screen.
Account Reconciliation
Corrected an issue with "ACH Batch as single Row" option in the Account Reconciliation where it was only clearing the first item in the batch.
Added support for Copy Campaign Files to the API.
Data Import
The Lead Import now allows you to import Marketing Lists. Separate the items in the column, with a semicolon in the .csv file.
Modified the Project Import to support non US culture formatted dd/MM/yyyy Start Date and Due Date.
System Setup
Added a link on the My Settings, Default Setting edit screen to test the Real Time Notifications.
Added a warning message and logging for when a user turns off GL Companies as well as when they turn them on.
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