(Dec 2024)
Release Detail For
Scheduled Transactions
Changed the words 'No Reminder' to read 'Not Scheduled' on Scheduled Transactions
System Setup
Added a new option called Allow Edit of Backup Approver so that editing the backup approver is a separate setting from the Allow Edit of Default Settings.
Added a column for Approvers in Deliverable Types setup screen.
Admin/Manager - Today
Fixed the Action Date filter in the System Log.
When off boarding Project Management it will now include the Project Manager on the project setup.
Import Data
Fixed issue with the Start Date/End Date on the Time Sheet Import.
Integrations - API
Fixed an issue with the Reports end point when calling for the Trial Balance.
Client Invoices
Made some changes to the email that is sent to a client when the agency charges the client's credit card.
Fixed an issue with Billing Vendor Charges that do not use the same currency as the Project.
Removed the currency symbols from the printed estimate when the culture = Maltese (Malta).
Fixed an issue with printed Invoices with the Show Time Detail option selected and an alternate Invoice / Estimate Label in the Service Rate Sheet that did not use the specified alternate label.
In Retainer billing, when using the Invoice Extras Separately option, there is now an option for One Invoice so extra costs spanning multiple Projects can be billed on one extra Invoice rather than One per Project, which was the only option previously.
Creatives - Today
Fixed an issue with To Do Comments not deleting.
Notifications and Approvals
Added Revenue Forecasts to the Approval Bell when sent to Account Managers for review.
Fixed the Subject label on the Change Requests in the notification bell. It was showing the project but pulling the subject.
Added Project Name field to the approval listing for Change Requests.
Added Total Revenue, Campaign AGI, Total AGI, Campaign Ordinary Income and Total Ordinary Income to the Campaign P&L Multi report.
Added Current Labor Budget Gross field to the Client Invoice Level and Billing Data sets.
Added Expenses are not Included field to Project Summary dataset and Project Views.
Modified the Broadcast and Insertion Order data report Commission column to show Yes when commission was used and No when markup was used. Also added a Commission Markup column to show the amount.
Fixed issue with the logic on the commission field on the "Insertion Order Data" dataset and the "Broadcast Order Data" dataset.
Changed the Client lookup in the AR Aging Report to be any of.
Added a new Send Report button to the More menu of Scheduled Reports that can be used if a scheduled report does not go out for some reason.
Added Campaign Account Manager to the Project Views and the Project Summary Data Report.
Fixed an issue with Report filters using special characters disappearing from the selected lists.
Added Company Custom Fields to Campaign Item/Services, Campaign Level Data,
Campaign Spec Sheet Data and Campaign Views.
Fixed an issue with the sales tax analysis report when Avalara in enabled. It wasn't summing duplicate tax codes in the taxable sales column.
Insertion Orders
Fixed the lookup for Orders on the Add IO/BO/PO screen for Credit Card Charges.
Project Manager
Added Future Labor Gross Remaining field to the Project budget screen.
When a Deliverable is Rejected we will now send a Completed email if the Transaction Preference option "Send Individual Approved Emails" is checked.
Fixed an Error generating review file when sending Deliverables for Review from Conversations.
When Multi-Currency is being used the Currency ID will now be displayed under the Project Details section of the Project Dashboard.
Made the Project Billing Status visible on the project dashboard.
Fixed an issue with using the Office Prefix + Client ID (or Division Prefix) + Next Number from Client (or Division) numbering method and the separator not getting set when not using offices.
Made changes to allow embedded images to display inside of Project Conversation replies.
Project Manager - Today
Moved the “Show Conversations for just this task” button to the top of the panel when viewing Conversations from the Assignments screen.
Fixed an issue where if you uncheck "Exclude from Resource Management" on the Project Setup screen, it would check it again the next time you went to the screen, if the project duration was longer than 2 years.
The Transaction Preference "Display Assigned Services Only" will now limit your choice of services to just ones set on that employee record when editing multiple task assignments on the schedule.
Added a System Setting on the Project Schedule to Show Set Baseline.
Vendor Invoices
You can now delete a vendor Invoice VOID as long as it is not posted to WIP.
Fixed the void voucher functionality so users can delete the voided voucher as long as nothing on it is in WIP.
Added logging when unlinking a Credit Card Voucher to the Credit Card Connector transaction.
Credit Card
Added check to the Voucher/Credit Card scheduled tasks to confirm the project status accepts expenses.
Resource Manager
Staff Schedule
Added a Hide Zero Hour User option to the Staff Schedule Display Options.
Traffic Calendar
Added ability to edit task dates by dragging and dropping on the Traffic Calendar Gantt.
Added a Department filter to the Traffic Calendar staff options.
Sales Person
Sales - Today
Adding Email To field to Activity Level Data showing email users on a conversation.
Fixed an issue with Delete options not appearing in various locations when using the latest version of Safari.
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