(August 2024)
Release Detail For
Journal Entries
When using the Journal Entry approval process a new security setting Approve Journal Entries has been added.
Revenue Forecast
Added the Client Project Number and the Client Campaign Number to the Revenue Forecast > more > Detail Grid Settings.
Scheduled Transactions
The Scheduled Transactions view has been modified to include an upto date selector. When the Ready to Generate option is selected the date selector appears.
Added Every Two Months as a frequency option to the Scheduled Transactions.
Custom Fields
Added System logging when updating the Contact and Company Custom Fields.
Import Data
Corrected an issue with error messages on parent/child imports for child messages not appearing on the details panel.
Real Time Notifications have been moved from Labs.to general release
Security Settings
Added two new rights: View Contact Custom Fields and View Company Custom Fields.
System Log
Fixed an issue with the system log inadvertently logging that the bank account and routing number have been updated every time the vendor is updated.
Billing Worksheets
Added Project Manager to the Today-Billing Billing Worksheets Screen.
Client Invoices
Fixed an issue with Client Invoices not showing in the Global Search when you had the right.
Added logging for when a user changes the Client ID or the Client Name.
Today - Billing
Fixed an issue with the Expenses Not Included column on the "Billing Schedule Data" dataset.
Added Project Billing Status field to the Billing Schedule views.
Added email notifications to the Calendar Approval process.
Added the Invoice Link to Conversations Replies linked to Client Invoices and Vendor Invoices.
Now if a conversation email is sent for a PO/IO/BO and the recipient is not a full WMJ user, the link in the email will take them to a PDF of the order.
Added an option to subtotals for reports where you can now choose from Sum, Average, Min or Max. It will default to Sum.
Changed the Client filter to use Any Of on the Project Profit & Loss Multi Report.
Added Labor Unbilled, Outside Costs Gross Unbilled, and Total Gross Unbilled fields to the Project Items/Service dataset.
Added option to the Billing Worksheet Report under the Worksheet Date Range to specify whether the range refers to the Invoice Date or Posting Date.
Added Assigned User ID and Assigned User Email to the Task Assignment Data dataset.
Added the Company Owner field to all the Time Detail Datasets.
Fixed an issue with the Subtotal missing from the Round Count field on the Deliverable Details report.
Fixed an issue with the Subtotal missing from the Round Count field on the Deliverable Details report.
Fixed issue with the scheduled reports for the "Project Recap Analysis" report.
Today - Media
Added the Campaign ID and Campaign Name to the Media Estimates Views.
Project Manager
Added a tab: 'New Existing Invoices' for displaying the Open Amount on the Existing Invoices panel for Advance Invoices.
Fixed an issue with the Campaign Budget columns Campaign Gross Remaining % and Campaign Hours Remaining % at the Campaign / Segment level.
Added a new right to Edit Other People's Deliverable Comments.
Fixed an issue with two emails being sent out when replying to comments in Deliverables.
Added a count for how many rows have been selected and updated to the mass update for Project Views and Assignment Views.
Changed the Project Remaining Budget field on the Project Screen to match the one in the project snapshot.
Added a Display Option to the Project Production Dash to show Only projects where I am the BM (Billing Manager).
Fixed an issue on the schedule when blockout days were reloaded, it was not asking you to save the changes to the schedule.
To Do Board
Added Task Plan Complete Date to grouping options for the To Do Board.
Today Project Manager
Fixed a column error in Graphs when using Project Types on the Time Detail Data (No Costs) Dataset.
Corrected an issue with the intercompany transfer validation for labor/service combination.
Updated the GL Restrictions to only look at where the time or expense is being transferred to.
Credit Card Connector
Fixed an issue with getting erroneous error when linking an order from the Credit Card Connector screen.
Added 'Does Not Accept ACH' to the Search Options on the Select Invoices to Pay screen.
Vendor Invoices
When a vendor invoice is Marked as Billed or written-off, the amounts on the vendor invoice row are now locked down so that no changes can be made.
Changed the Vendor Invoice Credits screen to allow foreign currency credits to be applied as long as they are in the same currency.
Resource Manager
Assignment Management
Added a new column to the Assign Work section of the Assignment Management screen called overdue. This will only show tasks assigned to a service only where the start date is 2 months back from the start date on the screen.
Client Portal
Added an option in Transaction Preferences to determine whether to show the Project Request section in the Client Portal.
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