(Jul 2024)
Release Detail For
Revenue Forecast
Added a Group By Client and Type to the Edit Details panel on the Revenue Forecast.
System Settings
Added a new right "Approvers Can View Timesheets for People they Approve".
Changed the wording "Delete Worksheets and Remove Items from Worksheet" right to "Delete Worksheets".
Client Invoices
Increased the timeout on Billing - Today > Emailing Invoices so the statuses for all the invoices are updated when the invoices are sent.
Fixed Previous Amount Billed and Total Amount Billed (does not include tax) fields in designer Layouts for the Invoice.
Mass Billing - Fixed Fee
Billing Manager has been added to the Other Options panel on both Mass Billing - Fixed Fee and Time and Materials.
Campaign column has been added to Mass Billing - Fixed Fee.
Today - Billing
Added a link to Scheduled Transactions on the Today - Billing and Today - Purchasing screens.
Invoice Layout/Template Tool
Fixed Previous Amount Billed and Total Amount Billed (does not include tax) fields in designer Layouts for the Invoice.
Today - Creatives
The "Hours worked this week", "Hours remaining of allocated" and the "Hours remaining this week" will include hours worked this week in all three views of Today - Creative.
Fixed an issue with completing tasks in Today - Creative grid view and the screen refreshing and brings them back to the top.
Added a confirmation message on save when editing a recurring meeting and selecting "All meetings in the series" or "This and all following meetings".
Fixed an issue where ics files of meetings were not being imported into Google Calendar if there were attendees on the meeting.
Added a Schedule Status Color Field to graphs, these colors will show Red, Yellow and Green for status colors on graphs.
Added Project Office ID, Project Office Name, Line Office ID and Line Office Name to the Billing Data and Transaction Detail Dataset.
Added a collapse all/expand all option to the Balance Sheet and Corporate Profit and Loss Reports.
Fixed an issue where the Company Owner field was not a lookup for filters in Contact Views.
Fixed an issue where filtering on Project Due Date on reports sometimes didn't return desired results.
Project Manager
Fixed an issue with clicking Open Only in Deliverables and the Replies to the open Comments being hidden from view.
Project Requests
Removed the Your Comments column from the Project Request - Approvals panel.
Project Settings
Added a new "Exclude from Resource Manager" option on the Project Setting - Schedule Screen.
When enabled, this would exclude the project from the Staff Schedule, Traffic Calendar and Assignment Management screens.
Added a new column called Allocated Remaining to the Production Dash.
Added a right to Transfer Transactions to Non-billable Projects in addition to changing the existing right to Transfer Transactions to Billable Projects. To not allow transfers, both rights will need to be disabled.
Added Header Comment and Header Description as available fields to the Transactions View.
Fixed an issue where using the Quick Edit feature on the Project List was clearing out the Project Start Date.
To Do Board
Added completed notification to be sent to the notify list when a To Do is marked completed when opening the To Do edit page.
Today - Purchasing
Added a link to Scheduled Transactions on the Today - Billing and Today - Purchasing screens.
Vendor Invoices
You can now void a vendor invoice from the more menu. Invoices that are not billed, associated with orders or paid can be voided. Invoice Date and Due date are copied from the original invoice, to pick up the same exchange rate if necessary. Posting Date is today.
Added a link to the Vendor Invoice in Conversations linked to Vendor Invoices.
Fixed an issue with adding a Vendor Invoice when using the "New Add Vendor Invoice" lab with the GL Tracking Option "Require Tasks on Expenses" is turned on.
Resource Manager
Staff Schedule
The Traffic Comment field is now editable on the week view of the Staff Schedule > Details screen.
Fixed an issue where the schedule screen was including the current day's actual hours when calculating the current week assignment bucket.
Added an "Auto Run" check box to the Staff Schedule More>Options>display section.
When unchecked the staff schedule will not load until you click search.
Fixed issue where Last Modified User was not updated when an address for a company was added or modified.
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