(Jun 2024)
Release Detail For
Fixed tabbing on the Employee Security Settings page.
Import Data
Fixed the Project Import to require GL Company when it is required in GL Tracking settings.
System Setup
Added Marked As Billed to the system log when an Opportunity is closed before making the project live.
Corrected an issue where users without the right to 'Add new Companies' we able to add companies.
Slightly changed the names of the security rights so it's easier to search for rights related to Project Conversations and Activity Conversations.
The screen will now remember the resizing of the columns in the Service Rate Sheets screen.
Billing Worksheets
Fixed an issue with generating an Invoice from a Billing Worksheet using a designer Layout that creates an extra top Project line with a Fixed Fee billing method and grouping by Billing Item.
Client Invoices
The Client Invoice > Log now has an entry for each contact an invoice is emailed to.
Added a check to client invoice posting to make sure that all the invoice details are saved prior to allowing the invoice to post.
Modified the Client/Vendor Portal to accept foreign currency payments for client invoices.
Today - Billing
Fixed an issue that caused the TM Mass Billing total to not match between the Today Billing screen and the Mass Billing screen when a filter on Project Status or Project Billing Status was used.
Today - Creatives
Added the Due Date field to the in-grid editor on the To Do list in the Task Assignment screen.
There is a new Campaign Report for budget details by Item/Service. You can Group By Campaign and Segment. When you add the Item column there is one row for each item/service within each campaign segment.
Added a message that the Custom Report cannot be deleted if there are scheduled reports tied to that custom report. Added the ability to mass delete Scheduled Reports from the Scheduled Reports screen.
Added Team Member Email Address and Team Member Free User Login options to the Project Summary Data with Team Report.
Added Client City and Client State to GL Cash Transaction Detail Data report.
Added Campaign Start Date and Campaign End Date to the Task Assignments report.
Added Currency field to the Billing Schedule Data Report.
Added the Primary Contact field to the Project Profit and Loss Multi report.
Added Parent Company Name as a field in the Project Spec Sheet Data Report.
Added Project Template Active field to the Estimate Detail Data report.
Changed the Client lookup in the Project Recap Analysis report to use the client instead of Company.
Fixed column header misspelling and removed $ in front of the Hours Results column in the Project Recap Analysis report.
Improved the performance of the Accrued Order Detail Report.
Fixed an issue with the Campaign filter not working when a Scheduled Report was created from the Project Actual by Month report.
Corrected an issue with text custom fields filtering using the 'Not Blank' option. It will no longer return blank values.
Fixed an error in the Labor Budget Data report dataset that caused an error if the report is run on the last two days of the month.
Project Manager
Added rollup/summary by Project on the Campaign - Schedule screen for Estimated Hours, Actual Hours and Remaining Hours.
Added an Active checkbox to the Client - Campaigns screen.
Fixed an issue with the System Log not referencing the Project Number correctly when removing a Project from a Campaign.
Fixed an issue when cross project predecessors are set on a summary task, the start date was not being set properly.
Spec Sheets
Fixed HTML test in the Spec Sheet Description field.
To Do Board
Added Planning Projects to the Project lookup on the To Do Board.
Today - Project Manager
Added the ability to update the Task Priority using the update multiple from the Assignments view.
When entering payments in an alternate currency, you can now modify the Amount to Withdraw. The screen will then calculate the correct currency rate automatically.
Vendor Invoices
Corrected an issue where the user could submit a voucher with a project but without a task when the Require Tasks on Expenses option was on.
When adding a Lead we will now ignore Required Custom Fields from Company and/or Opportunity, unless they are adding a Company and/or an Opportunity.
When clicking a Conversation on an Opportunity it will now take you to the view conversation screen instead of editing the actual conversation.
Fixed an issue with the Probability for an Opportunity being blank when you set it to zero.
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