(Oct 2023)
Release Detail For
Notifications and Approvals
Added Task Assignment emails to the Notifications > Messages section.
Added a 'Last Month Year to Date' check box option to the Billable Summary Dollars and Hours Reports.
The AP Aging now has a "As of Client Paid Date" filter when running the report. A date entered in this field controls the Yes/No response in the Paid by Client column. Payments made after the entered data are not reflected in the Paid by Client column.
Added Week to the grouping options on the Time Productivity Analysis report.
Corrected an issue with the office selection on the Project P&L (Multi View) when using GL Restrictions.
Corrected an issue with the Project Status filter not working when creating a Scheduled Report with the Time Productivity Analysis Report.
Corrected the default Foreign Exchange rate on the Statement of Cash Flows to pull the rate from the date on the screen.
Corrected an issue with the Client P&L Multi report not running in mobile.
The Balance Sheet will now use the same rule for pulling currency rates when there is not a rate for a specific GL Company on a specific day. Both reports are using 'Is Blank' rate.
Today - Creatives
Added Next Steps as a field option on the Today - Creatives grid.
Modified the warning message to include "This cannot be undone" when merging company records.
If you don't select any of the options when converting a Lead then the record will not be removed.
Project Manager
Added Project Type column to the Campaign Projects and Segments screen.
Corrected the tool-tip for "Campaign Budget Actual Remaining". The tip is now Campaign Current Total Budget - Project Total Gross.
Project Settings
Added the ability for the colors assigned to Project Types, Timeline Segments, To Do Status, Conversation Type, Meeting Type, Deliverable Type and Deliverable Status to be used in the graphs.
Added lookup for the Project Status Color field in Project Views.
Added the ability to Favorite a Conversation on the diary thread.
Fixed an issue with some fields on the Project Dash showing words instead of a progress bar.
When using Default Project Touched Today for Time, now includes projects where conversations were added.
Fixed an issue with duplicating tasks where it was saying that a Priority is required and Priority being set on Summary Tasks.
To Do Board
When a To Do has a Completed Status but the Completed check box is not marked completed, those will copy over as Completed when copying from another project.
Today - Project Manager
Added filters to the Company ID, Company Name, Default Client Company ID and Default Client Company Name fields on the Project Views.
Added two new columns to the Project View (Project Level Data dataset): Open Amount of Adv Bill wo Tax and Amount Advance Billed wo Tax.
Resource Manager
Assignment Management
Added a description for the items showing in the Assign Work section of the Assignment Management screen.
Staff Schedule
The Task Priority set up order will now determine the order of sorting when grouping by Task Priority on the Staff Schedule Detail drill-down.
Billing Worksheets
Freshened up the Project Daily Feed postings for changes made to vouchers and Credit Card charges inside a Billing Worksheet.
Fixed an issue where a Fixed Fee Billing Worksheet is set to create an Advance Bill but was displaying the Addable Transactions.
Client Invoices
Added additional logging when changes are made to Client Invoices.
Credit Card Connector
Added an editable Markup field to the detail row Credit Card Connector screen.
Added a receipt checkbox to the detail row of the Credit Card Connector screen.
The Split Projects panel more menu now offers System Settings.
The Split Projects panel now includes an editable Markup field, the description and items column.
Added the Transaction Date column to the Link Orders screen on the Credit Card Connector.
Today - Purchasing
Added real time notifications to the Today - Purchasing screen to update the counts.
Copy Employee Address when creating a New Vendor from an Employee.
Fixed an issue with Vendor required Custom Fields not being checked creating or editing a vendor record.
Insertion Orders
Corrected an issue with prebilling on the Insertion Order Line. You can no longer prebill the line if the project on the line is closed.
Today - Media
Updated the Media Plan worker table to include a timestamp to avoid collisions when MediaForce sends over multiple API requests in quick succession.
Today - Accounting
The Description field on Today Accounting > Unapproved Transactions > Credit Card Charges now shows the Purchased From data, when available.
Import Data
Corrected an issue with the Project Net and Project Gross fields on the Credit Card Import when the project currency is different from the home currency.
Updated the field name on the Vendor Invoice import from Department to "Department (Line)".
Corrected an issue with the Vendor Invoice Import/API where it created the voucher header before the detail line errors out. Now will only create a header when details are successfully created.
System Setup
Added a button to Connections > Banking > Credit Card Client Billing 'Test Login Information'. This is to test validating a merchant account using Authorize.net or Payflow Pro as Providers.
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