(Aug 2023)
Release Detail For
Notifications and Approvals
You can now add a Posting Date column to the Credit Card screen on the Approvals bell.
Added a link back to the PO, IO or BO for order conversations in the email notification.
Added new print options to Custom Reports, Views, Project Budget Analysis and the Campaign, Client and Project Profit and Loss (Multi Views). Also added the ability to expand all, collapse all and refresh from the More menu.
Added the ability to select individual People when choosing who Views are visible to as well as Security Groups.
We will now show the GL Accounts in the Client Profit & Loss Detail report in the same order as the GL Account setup.
When you choose a Financial Budget on The Client Profit & Loss (multi view) an additional prompt 'Include all Budget Clients' appears. Check this option to include clients with amounts on the chosen budget but without actual activity for the date range selected.
The Project Cost Transaction datasets now include closed pre-billed orders.
Fixed the Service Code lookup in the Time Detail Data Reports.
Fixed an issue with the Report Layouts not deleting from the Project Budget Analysis Report.
Added the Last Task Actual Complete Date to the Project Summary Dataset.
Fixed issue with client statement report hiding the currency filter option
Added a new Company with EIN Report.
Added Project Status ID to the Project Views and the Project Summary dataset.
On the AR Aging report, if there is a Campaign on the Invoice, and the Campaign has an Account Manager, display that Account Manager rather than the one on the Client when using the AE View option.
Corrected the ACH payment via the client/vendor portal where the sales tax was being set when applying the receipt to an invoice. This affected the Sales Tax Analysis report.
When running the AR Aging report using the Unapplied Adv Bill option, the column label now says Unapplied Amt instead of Open Amount. When not using the Unapplied Adv Bill option column, the label remains Open Amount.
Added the ability to see Other Sales People on the Sales Dashboard. Added a Dashboard Setting to "Show other sales people" and a new "Sales Person" check box to the Employee Edit screen under Personal. This will allow you to select any employee that has Sales Person checked on their employee record on the Sales Dashboard.
Added the Date of Hire field to Contact Views dataset.
Project Manager
Billing Schedules
The Projects > Billing Schedule screen no longer allows you to enter more than one scheduled billing for the same date.
You can now select a different project when duplicating a Deliverable.
Fixed an issue with file descriptions not getting copied when copying files or when adding a new project from a template or existing project.
Project Requests
Expanded the Description field for Project Request Forms.
Project Settings
Modified the Daily Feed messages when the Project > Project Settings > Schedule > Override Schedule Options have changed.
Added Planning Project Name to the Project Dash.
Now allowing users to set up custom Task Priority values in addition to Low, Medium, and High.
To Do Board
Fixed an error when updating To Dos and the ActivityDate being null.
Today - Project Management
Added RTN updates to the Today PM page counts.
Added the Next Steps field to the Assignment Views.
Resource Manager
Staff Schedule
Fixed an issue with the Service not getting set on some Time Entries.
Fixed an issue where meetings were printed in the wrong week on the Staff Schedule Excel print.
Billing Worksheets
Two new columns have been added to the Billing Worksheet to Review: Marked as Billed Expenses and Marked as Billed Labor.
Users without the right to "Edit Transactions on Projects" will no longer see invalid buttons on the Billing Worksheet > To Bill screen.
Mass Billing - FF Campaigns
Corrected an issue where Campaigns were incorrectly displayed on Mass Billing - FF Campaigns.
Mass Billing > Fixed Fee Campaigns will now correctly set the invoice due date using the setting on the client.
Today - Billing
The Schedule Invoices listing now includes the client code and name.
Credit Card Connector
The Credit Card Connector screen now allows you to change and save the Posting Date.
Vendor Invoices
On Add a Vendor Invoice details lines when the project is removed from the line, the client field is also cleared.
Journal Entries
When using the Journal Entry approval process, only active users are offered in the approver list.
Revenue Forecasts
Total Budget is now an available column on the Revenue Forecast.
Custom Fields
Corrected an issue with Date custom fields where the calendar did not honor the year that was entered in the field.
Fixed an issue with spaces saving at the end or beginning of multi-checkbox custom fields causing the options to run together. We will now remove the spaces on the save.
Estimate and Invoice Layouts
System Setup > Estimates and Layouts now supports separate columns for Tax1 and Tax2 amounts. You can show tax amounts for each detail row or summarize tax amounts for each billed project.
Import Data
Added Long Description for expense rows to the Estimate Import.
Invoice Templates
When there are options checked and saved on the Invoice Template > Line Options > Line Detail field set to "All Lines", and then the Line Detail is changed to 'Top Level Lines' or 'All Summary Lines' the options that were selected under "All Lines' will now be cleared.
The Invoice Template will no longer show the Project Description label on the printed invoice, when there is no Project Description.
In the Time breakout in Invoice templates, if a single rate was applied, always display the Rate of the Service rather than the effective rate derived from overall billed hours.
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