(May 2023
Release Detail For
Only searching for text not HTML code when using conversation search.
Notifications and Approvals
Changed the Assignment Notification email so that it includes the person's name that made the assignment/reassignment.
Added the Project Request ID to the Project Request Conversation emails.
Added an option to Scheduled Reports Edit Details to Send No Data Report Notifications. When checked you will get an email saying that your Scheduled Report had no data, when it is unchecked you will not get an email.
Scheduled Reports now use the First Month of Fiscal Year when using Fiscal Date options.
Added Last Month Year to Date to the date options of the Financial Reports.
Now hiding any selectable row functions when the Report is a Custom Report View and it has the grouping option checked.
The Statement of Cash Flows, will now show the section including Net Income when there are no operating adjustments for the selected period.
Added "Traffic Comment Date Updated" to the "Task Assignments" report.
Terms Days, Terms % and Terms Net fields have been added to the Company Contact Data with EIN dataset.
Added Project Percentage Complete field to the Task Assignment Data, Task Assignment Weekly Data, Project Task Data and Allocated Hours Data reports.
Added Remaining Labor Budget, Remaining Expense Budget and Remaining Total Budget to the Project Summary Data report.
Added Print Screen/Excel options to the Client P&L (Multi) and the Accrued Order Detail reports.
Added the Deposit Date to the Receipt Data set.
Campaign Account Manager has been added to the Receipts Data custom report. This displays the Account Manager of the Campaign in the header of the invoice for that receipt.
Fixed an issue with "Open Amount of Adv Bill wo Tax" on the "Project Summary Data" dataset.
Corrected an issue with the Media Details report when choosing to group by Vendor and using the Hide Details option.
Added the 'ACH Enabled' field from the related vendor record to the Payment view/dataset and Payment Details dataset.
Fixed issue with the WIP Analysis - > WIP Aging Production when there are journal entries that hit the WIP account.
Tracking Forms
Fixed an issue with Project Tracking forms not showing on the Project Dash.
Fixed an issue with the Project field missing on new Project Tracking forms.
Client Portal
Added the ability for Client logins to use Change Request conversations. Must have the 'Use Project Request and Change Request Conversations' client user right to add new Change Request Conversations.
Added a new sub-option under Show Project To-Do's to Add Project To-Do's in the Preview Client Portal - System Settings.
Fixed an error with the client/vendor portal when the contact isn't associated with a client.
Project Manager
The Project > Billing screen has been modified to sort in ascending Transaction date order. The sort is for each grouping Task, Item and Type.
Added a Default Bill By option to the Campaign Transaction Preferences to default the Bill By setting when new Campaigns are added.
Added Project Hours After Write-off to the Campaign Budget screen.
Added logging to the Daily Feed when a Campaign file is deleted.
When copying a Billing Schedule line in Campaign Billing, the Advance Bill setting will now copy as well.
Limit the Project Dashboard to only show 10 Deliverables, if there are more than 10 a link will display that will take you to the Deliverable board for that project.
Fix media type for HTML deliverable files.
There is now a new Estimate > System Setting > Show Contingency. Turn the option off to remove the contingency from the estimate screens.
Fixed an issue with Estimate Templates that sometimes incorrectly showed Quantity and Rate when the details were being shown for that line.
Fixed an issue for Campaign Estimates using a designer Layout that did not respect the sort order specified in the Projects and Segments tab of the Campaign screen.
Added the Product Name as a grouping option to the Today - Creative card view and the Project Dash Display options.
Adding the ability to mass update the Billing Method from the Project Views and Campaign Project and Segment screens.
Added a View Task Details link to the Predecessor section of the Task Detail panel of the Project Schedule to view a Cross Project Predecessor task's details in read only.
Fixed an issue with Estimated Hours on the Project Schedule changing when you updated the Allocated Hours.
Project Manager - Today
Added color options to the To Do Status. Colors assigned for To Do status will be used as the border on the To Do board.
Resource Manager
Assignment Management
Added Open To Do Items Only and Open Deliverable Only options to the Assignment Management display options.
Staff Schedule
Added Traffic Comments to the Staff Schedule Detail System Settings as a display option.
Billing Worksheets
Fixed an issue in Billing Worksheets that gave Approve rights to some non unauthorized approvers.
Client Invoices
Corrected an issue with invoices failing to email when the main company account address is not available.
Added the Account Manager to the mass update for Client Views.
Mass Billing Fixed Fee Campaigns
Fixed Fee Campaigns with an Inactive status, will no longer be included on Mass Billing > Fixed Fee Campaigns or Billing Worksheet generate.
Billing - Today
Now updating the Today Billing counts with Real Time Notifications.
The phrase "to Pay" has been removed from the subject line when mass mailing client invoices from Billing - Today.
Credit Card Connector
You can now add a comment to credit card charges on the Credit Card Connector. The comments are shown on the charge and on the credit card views.
Fixed an issue with the Vouchers to Pay search that did not always correctly identify Vendors who do not accept Credit Cards or VCard.
Request for Quote
Changed the first line of the Request For Quote email to include the User Name and/or Email Address that sent the RFQ.
Purchasing - Today
Corrected the order of the Today-Purchasing -> More -> System Settings. 'My Open Items Only' checkbox option is now displayed under the Open Items section.
Media - Today
A Client search option has been added to the Orders Needing Attention screens on Today - Media.
Revenue Forecast
Corrected the display of the Client column on the Revenue Forecast for Opportunities.
Media Plan Order API performance enhancements have been made.
Import Data
The Vendors import now can update Purchasing Default > Payment Options > Bank Account Type.
Enhanced the Credit Card Import error message when importing a charge expense to a project that doesn't accept expenses.
Fixed an issue with the Project Import with copying files from another project with Amazon.
Invoice Layouts
The System Settings > Invoice Layouts have been enhanced to allow you to choose text color, and to sub-total on Line Subject, Quantity, Unit Amount, Labor Amount, Expense Amount and Total Amount. The options are valid for up to 5 levels on the invoice. You will have to remove these components from existing layouts and reselect them to see the new options.
System Setup
Connections > Credit Cards has been renamed Connections > Banking.
Admin/Manager - Today
Fixed an issue with the System Log filter Action Date pulling data for the wrong month.
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