(Mar 2023)
Release Detail For
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Fixed an issue with Google Meet links when pasting them in the description of a WMJ meeting.
Fixed an issue where the Organizer sometimes displayed incorrectly when viewing meeting details for Subscription meetings.
Notifications and Approvals
Added a new Employee Notification for Changes in Project Billing Status.
The Credit Card rejection email now includes a link to the charge.
Added Project Status and Project Billing Status fields to the Billing Transaction Detail Data.
Added related Project Currency to the Purchase Order Dataset.
Added Expand All and Collapse All to Project Profit & Loss Multi report under the more button.
Fixed an issue with the Billing Transaction Detail Data, Billing Data and Transaction Detail Data, and Billing Transaction Detail Data with COGS datasets. When an expensed Purchase Item changed at the time of billing, the billing transaction reports did not reflect the billed Item, but rather the originally expensed Item.
Fixed extra characters being displayed for search conditions when printing Reports.
Fixed an issue with the Advanced Billing Data report showing the wrong Project Name for the Regular Invoice Header Project Number field.
Fixed an issue with AR/AP Aging reports that incorrectly filtered for all GL Companies when ‘Is Blank’ was selected.
Corrected an issue with the AR and AP Aging scheduled reports non honoring the GL Company filtering.
Added Locked Schedule field to the Projects View and Project Summary Dataset.
Added Descriptions for Completed on Time and Duration of Days to the Project Summary Scoreboard screen and Report.
Fixed an issue with the Media Details report when using the Rollup by Order option.
Allow Backup Approvers the right to "Approvers can edit timesheets for people they approve."
Creatives - Today
Fixed an issue with Comments not being included in the email when using Task Hand Off.
Fixed an issue on Creative Today after an RTN update where tiles in the Tile view tab were duplicated.
Client Portal
Fixed an issue with clients seeing Project Request conversations when the visible to client check box was not checked.
Project Manager
When billing Campaigns the Invoice Approver now honors the setting found in Transaction Preference > Client Invoice > Default Approver.
Fixed an issue when trying to change projects on the Campaign Burn Chart.
When printing Estimates by Segment and Service and using a designer Layout, the lines will now display according to the Layout settings.
Fixed an issue with Campaign Conversations not always showing on the Campaign Dash.
Fixed an issue with the Round Name on a Deliverable being incorrect when a new round was created.
Fixed an access denied issue when Deliverables Board was filtering on a project that the user no longer had access to.
Fixed HTML displaying in Deliverable Review Instructions for Mobile View.
Planning Project
You can now add a Layout to the Planning Project > Billing Method tab.
Added ability to lock the schedule of Planning Projects.
Project Requests
Fixed an issue with Project Request Due Dates falling on a weekend when using the Minimum Days on a Request Detail.
Fixed an issue with the search on the Project Production Dash not working when using a numeric search and changing the project status on a project.
Fixed an issue with Spec Sheet description printing with HTML when printing the Job Jacket from the Project Dashboard.
Fixed an issue on the Burn Chart where some hours in past weeks were not being included in the Project hours when the hours were charged to a user/service that was not assigned on the task.
Fixed an issue with the Project Schedule not printing when project names have certain characters.
Fixed an issue where the user lookup on the schedule side panel was not filtering based on the selected service on the assignment.
Fixed an issue where deleted tasks were reappearing on the schedule if you edited hours on a different task.
Fixed an issue with the rollup of Change Order hours on the Estimated Hours Column on the Project Schedule.
Fixed an issue where you could blank out the Priority field on the Schedule.
Fixed an issue where some task changes were not saved during an auto-save operation.
Spec Sheets
Fixed an issue printing the Company Logo on Spec Sheets.
Fixed an issue with Spec Sheets showing an extra space after the text entered in a field when printing.
Fixed an issue with HTML showing in Spec Sheet Description for Estimates, Purchase Orders and Request for Quotes.
ToDo Board
Added the ability to add in-line images to To Do comments.
Fixed an issue with not being able to download To Do Attachments on mobile.
The To Do subject is now clickable for Grid mode in Mobile.
Resource Manager
Traffic Calendar
Changed the Priority and Task Status lookup to an Any Of on the Traffic Calendar.
Billing Worksheets
The Transfer button, menu option More Actions > Write Off and other Write Off text/checkboxes are now hidden, when the user does not have the corresponding rights (Transfer Transactions to other Projects or Write Off Transactions). Previously the user would see an Access Denied message.
Added logging to each of the project/campaign feeds when an invoice is generated from a Billing Worksheet.
Client Invoices
The Billing -Today > Invoices to Email have been modified. The subject includes the GL Company Name. The body of the email includes the GL Company logo and Address. When one specific GL Company cannot be determined, the email uses the report logo, company name and address from Account Setup.
The 'Post' button is now visible when the user has the Right 'Post Client Invoice to the General Ledger'.
Fixed an issue with Invoices that caused the Total Amount of a line to be set to 0.00 if the Quantity and Unit Amount are 0.00 (usually a Retainer Invoice) and a change was made to the line which triggered a recalculation.
You can now resend Credit Card and ACH receipt emails. Use the Billing - Today > Receipts view to locate the receipt. Go to more and select Resend Authorization Email. Enter or choose from the People panel the email addresses.
Credit Card Connector
Added Client ID to the Credit Card Connector Link Order screen.
Purchase Orders
Fixed issue where the PO lines foreign exchange rates weren't being update when the header exchange rate changed due to the PO date changing. This applies to POs for projects in a foreign currency, and the vendor is the home currency.
Media Plan ID and Media Plan Name have been added to the Media Billing Reports, Today > Media Open item listings and Views.
Media > Today Insertion Orders and Broadcast Orders reports now have a Client ID field that will present a select-list when used as a filter. Views with the old "ClientID" may need to have the ClientID column removed.
Accounting - Today
Added a Refresh button to each Graph and the page.
Admin/Manager - Today
Fixed an issue with Graphs not displaying the X and Y Axis Labels.
Data Import
Corrected an issue with the Class ID not importing correctly on the Receipts Import.
For the Vendor Payment and Receipts Imports, added the ability to update payments based on reference number and vendor ID/client ID.
Fixed issues with the opportunity import with the product and division fields.
The Project Import will no longer automatically update the Non-Billable status on a project.
The Credit Card import has been modified as follows: When a project has an Office, all imported charges will inherit that office. When a project does not have an Office, the charges will be updated with the office (if provided) in the import file.
Allow users to import Credit Card charges when the header GL Company doesn't match the line's project GL Company provided the target GL Company matches the project GL company.
Fixed an issue with Credit Card import where charges were incorrectly importing as "Marked as Billed".
Added an Employee option to Assigned to Projects > For a specific GL Company.
Integrations - Credit Cards
Stop processing CSI transactions and return an error when adding VCard (CSI) transactions to a batch when an exception is thrown.
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