Invoice and Estimate Layouts
Create a new layout | Edit your layout | Field Details and Advanced Editing Techniques | Page Layout | Choose a default layout for a client | Choose the layout per estimate or invoice | Custom Fields | Mac Keyboard Compatibility
Menu > Admin/Manger > System Setup > Billing Options > Invoice and Estimate Layouts
Workamajig has a visual layout tool for customizing the look of your invoices and estimates in ways you could not do with the standard Invoice and Estimate Layout tool. For example, the layout tool allows you to add lines, shading, and more flexibility with the fonts of each area. The purpose of this guide is to outline how to implement the new Invoice and Estimate Layouts in Workamajig.
To enable this feature, please go to Menu > Admin/Manager > System Setup > Transaction Preferences > Estimates. Then check the box for Enable the advanced Invoices and Estimates Layouts designer. And finally click Save.
- There are lots of pre-built Layouts for you to experiment with. So try printing with them all first to see if there is one that is close to what you need.
- Layouts override the Estimate Template or Invoice Template if both are populated.
Create A New Layout
From the top of the list, click on the + sign to either Add New or Copy Existing.
Add New will start you off with a blank slate to Name, fill in all options, and design the estimate and invoice sections.
Copy Existing will copy a current layout into the newly named layout.
Edit Your Layout
Once you open the layout, go to the Estimate or Invoice tabs. This is where the designer is. And from here you just need to do a few steps to make it your custom layout. These two screens work very similarly, but one is your invoice layout and one is your estimate layout.
Click on gear icon: settings at top of page
The following settings only affect the printing of the Estimate:
Task Detail: Determines the level of task the estimate will print
Show Transactions at Lowest Level: if checked, the estimated transactions will be shown on the lowest level selected.
Line Format: Determines the line format of the printed estimate
The following setting applies to both Invoice and Estimate printing:
Reset Item Options to default settings: NOTE: Think before you click! There is no undo. This will reset the display options back to the original billing item settings.
Display Option: There are 2 parts to this option
- Billing Item Groupings: the individual items can be moved to other billing item groups or outside of billing item groups to provide a better classification for the printed invoice and estimate
- Detail: Sub Item Detail/Transactions/No Detail>> For Invoice only. This allows you to determine if certain items will print in full detail or be hidden. Further layout considerations apply.
This is the page layout used when printing an estimate using this layout.
This is the page layout used when printing an invoice using this layout.
Field Details And Advanced Editing Techniques
Working With Fields
Data fields - All fields with the @ symbol in front of them, pulls data from Workamajig. For example @ Client Name, will pull in the name of the Client on your actual invoice.
TIP - To select 2 or more fields at once on a Mac, hold Command and click on the item. To select 2 or more fields at once on a PC, hold Control and click on the item. Once selected, you can drag to move and format the fonts, borders/shading, and alignment for all the fields together.
Deleting fields - If there are any fields you do not want, just click the field to select it and click the red Trash Icon along the left side of the screen.
Adding lines and cool features - If you want to add a line or additional component, click the name of what you want to add from the left column. Drag it over to the form approximately where you want to place it. Then, once there, adjust and resize.
Changing fonts or font sizes - Select any field(s). At the top your properties you will see font selections.
Adding Borders and Shading - Select any field(s). At the top see the border selections. Here, you can set borders and shading.
Aligning Text - Select a field(s). At the top see the arranged selections. Hover over the icons and it will tell you what it can do. The 'Align' option is the best way to get all your text to line up to the left or right.
HINT: If you want two fields to print straight across from each other, select both fields and use 'Align Top'. It will align to the top based on the first field you selected, not the highest field.
There are several sections here, they vary slightly from Estimate to Invoice
All fields get added to the form by clicking on the name, hold and drag to the invoice.
The first group of fields under Components: can go on any section of the form.
Label: This is for a free text that you want on every estimate or invoice. Double click into it to type text.
Horizontal Line/Vertical Line: Both work the same way. Click on the edges of the line to adjust the length.
Shape: For adding a rectangle or another shape that is colored, can be set behind the text so you have an oval with shading behind your company name.
Image: Click and drag to the form. Double click on this space or the space where the Workamajig logo is, this will let you select a file on your computer to upload
Page Number/Total Pages/ Date Printed: They add what they say to the form
Invoice Header Fields: These fields can only go in the Page Header of the form.
Company name and address fields.
This section will change based on what you have highlighted in the actual form.
For example, if you don't have a component selected, but you have the Page header selected, then click into Properties, and change the height; you will change the height of the complete header.
Then, if you have a component like a Company Name selected, you will see different options in the Properties.
The Background section lets you check off if you want to have a border, then remember to set the border style as well. These can also be done from the Border shortcuts on the top.
If you enter the height, it will adjust the height of just that field on the form. This is handy if you're trying to make small incremental changes to a field.
Page Layout
HINT: Click the +/- zoom slider along the left side of the screen to increase/decrease screen zoom level...
Report Header
- This section will appear at the top of the first page of the printout only.
- Typically your Logo and Address will go here.
TIP: To add your own logo in place of our default logo - Double-click on our Workamajig Logo, Find and select your company logo. You can click and drag it to move it or resize it.
Page Header
- Here is where you enter information that should repeat on each page. We have some common fields here for you like Project Name, Project Description, etc.
- This section will appear on as many pages as it takes based on the amount of detail you are going to show.
- This amount of detail here is first determined by how you generated the invoice. That then gives you the data available to present here.
- This determines how the invoice lines should appear and be calculated in the main section of the printout. You can add Labor Transactions and Expense Transactions Breakout Boxes here. For example, if the Layout is by Billing Item & Item, that is how the line detail is formatted.
Page Footer
- This section of the layout appears at the bottom of every page of the printout.
- This is typically where the Expense/Insertion/Broadcast Breakout Boxes will go.
NOTE: The Report Footer will appear after this on the last page.
Report Footer
- This section of the layout appears at the end of the very last page of the printout.
TIP: If you want to minimize as much space as possible, to get things to print on one page. Then set any of the sections (Ie. Page Header, Details, Etc) that are not being used to 0 Height. Where dragging the section up doesn't accomplish this on its own. Then in the Report Footer > Properties, check Print At Bottom and Keep Together.
Choose A Default Layout For A Client
Open any client record, then click on Client Setup, then under Billing Defaults, there is an option called Default Layout. When you enter a layout name in here, this one layout will determine how both the estimate and invoices are printed.
NOTE: Layouts override anything in the Estimate Template or Invoice Template options.
Choose The Layout Per Estimate Or Invoice
Once you have an estimate or invoice ready to print and you want to choose or change the layout being used for printing. Click on the Settings tab, then add the desired layout to the Layout option.
NOTE: When you click Print, it automatically saves the estimate or invoice.
Custom Fields
If you have Project Custom Fields that are part of the Available list of custom fields, then they will be available to add into the Layout views as well.
They can also be formatted the same as any other field from the Properties and Settings tab once placed in the Layout.
Mac Keyboard Compatibility
For those of you using the new invoice layout tool and are also using a MAC, you may find that when you try to remove a field from the layout you are unable to delete the field.
In order to delete the field you must use one of the following methods depending upon your keyboard:
I have a separate 10-key section on the right of the keyboard>> Use Delete Key located in the group of 6 keys to the right of the QWERTY keys above the arrow keys. The Delete located above the Enter key is considered a backspace and does not work
I do not have a 10-key section or it is part of the QWERTY keys>> Use FNC + Backspace: use the Function key + the delete/backspace key located above the Enter key in the QWERTY area of your keyboard.