AP procedures [in-depth guide]
Accounting the Workamajig way
Guide contents: Overview | Accounts payable procedures | Printing checks | Monitoring your AP procedures
The purpose of this user’s guide is to outline 'The way' (our suggested workflow) for utilizing the accounts payable portion of the accounting module in Workamajig.
The areas covered in this guide are:
Paying your vendors.
Applying the payment to your vendor invoices.
Printing checks.
Reports to help monitor your AP procedures such as the AP aging report and customizable listings.
Accounts payable procedures:
This portion of the accounting user guide will cover procedures for paying your vendors, printing checks, and reports used to help monitor your AP procedures in Workamajig.
Paying a vendor invoice:
There are two ways to pay a vendor in Workamajig.
The first way is to use the Select invoices for payment screen. This option is best used if you wish to create payments for more than one vendor simultaneously.
Go to Menu > Purchasing > Select invoices for payment
Vendor ID: Enter the vendor ID for the vendor invoice you want to pay.
Company: If you use GL companies to separate your financials, enter the GL company name here. NOTE: This field will only be visible if you have selected the 'show GL companies' option in your GL tracking options menu.
Due by: This will automatically default to today’s date. If you need to change this you can by selecting the Calendar icon or by typing in the date.
Invoices billed to client: Select this option if you would like the system only to produce a list of vendor invoices that have already been billed to your clients.
Invoices paid by client: Select this option if you want the system to produce a list of vendor invoices where your clients have already paid the related client invoices.
Posted invoices only: Select this option if you want only to pay vendor invoices posted to the general ledger.
Enter your search criteria and select Search. The system will produce a list of vendor invoices waiting to be paid.
Payments options: Within the payment options portion of this screen that appears after you have entered your vendor payment search criteria, you have the option to change the date of the payment that will be created and you can also view the amount of cash available in your default cash account (set in your Default GL accounts section of the GL tracking options menu). You can also choose to change the cash account selected if you wish to pay the invoices listed below from a different cash account.
Below the Payment options section, you will see a list of vendor invoices that meet the search criteria you entered above in the search menu. The vendor name, invoice number, invoice date, discount rate, and due date are listed here so you can easily see all of the details needed without having to open up the vendor invoice to double-check the facts. The discount amount (if there is one) and the amount due will also be listed here.
Select the check box next to the invoices you would like to pay. To pay more or less than what the invoices are listed for you can click into the Amount selected box and make your changes there.
Select Create payments and all of the invoices you selected here will be considered paid.
NOTE: we still have to go and print the checks (keep reading)!! If you have selected more than one invoice for the same vendor here, the system will only generate ONE check for the total amount of all the invoices selected. If you need to produce separate checks for multiple invoices but to the same vendor, it is important to remember to select the invoices listed and the Create payments button ONE AT A TIME.
The second way to create vendor payments:
Looking to create a one-off payment to a vendor regardless of what invoices you may or may not have in the system? This is the best method for you then.
Go to Menu > Purchasing > Payments >
Company: The GL company name should only be listed here if you use GL companies to segregate your financial info in Workamajig.
Vendor: Enter the vendor you wish to pay.
Check number: Leave the check number blank as the system is set up to enter the next available check number for you automatically.
Check amount: Enter the amount the check will be for.
Check date: This will default to today’s date. Change if necessary.
Posting date: This will also default to today’s date. Change if necessary.
Once you have entered the vendor & check info in the top half portion of the Edit payment screen, available invoices for that vendor will be listed below in the grid. If you wish to apply this payment to one or all of the invoices listed, select the check box next to the invoice(s).
Pay special attention to the Amount excluded from 1099 column. If there is an amount to be excluded from 1099, enter that amount here.
Select DONE when you are finished.
Once you have selected Done, a Settings tab will appear. Select the Settings tab to quickly check the general settings of the check before you save and close. Remember, we still need to print the check…
On the Settings tab, you can briefly check over the details to make sure the information is correct. If you need to enter a check memo on the check, now is a great time to do it! Enter your memo in the Check memo area on the right side of the settings tab. When you are finished, select Save in the top left corner of the Edit payment screen and close the screen by selecting the X icon in the far right corner.
Printing checks:
Now that we have covered both ways to create vendor payments in Workamajig, it is time to learn how to print checks.
Go to Menu > Purchasing > Print checks
Select the cash account that you are paying out of. Once you select the cash account, the next check No. will automatically populate and you will see a list of checks listed below.
Check style: Select the check style that you wish to print on.
Select the check box next to the check(s) you would like to print.
Select Print checks. A PDF document will be created containing all of the selected checks. Select the Print icon from this screen.
NOTE: If this is your first time printing a check out of Workamajig, right now is a great time to make a couple of photocopies of a sheet of your checks. Print the PDFs on the photocopied check paper to test your margins and check style. It is also a good time to look at the Help Guide for information about checking your printer preferences and ensuring you are set up properly to handle printing on your checks paper.
When you are finished printing, you can close the PDF display. After that, you will return to this screen:
Only select Confirm printing if you are satisfied with how the check printed. If you need to return to your Check formats in your GL settings menu, DO NOT confirm the printing. Just close this window and make the changes you need to make to your check layout. Then follow the check printing steps again to test the printing on another photocopied check.
Monitoring your AP procedures:
With money coming in and money going out, how do you keep tabs on everything? Here are a few tools available in Workamajig to help you monitor your AP Procedures.
AP aging report:
The AP aging report shows all accounts payable aging with the amount open and days old. Go to Menu > Reports > AP reports > AP aging.
This report is run just like the AR aging report is (detailed in AR procedures: Monitoring your AR procedures). In the left side panel, you will enter your report running preferences.
As of date: The default for this will always be today’s date. NOTE: This date is always looking at the posting date of the vendor invoice. Change if necessary.
Using: Select 'invoice date', 'due date', or 'posting date'. This determines what date will be used to "bucket" the aging of the invoices.
Vendor ID: If you want to run this report specific to one vendor only, enter that vendor’s name here.
Company: If you are using GL companies to separate your financials and would like to run this aging report separately by GL company, enter the company name here and run the report for one company at a time.
AP account: If you have more than one AP account and want to run this report specific to data hitting only one account at a time, enter the AP account here.
Posted transactions only: Select this option if you want the report to run with data from posted transactions only. This option should be enabled if you are trying to balance your AP aging to your general ledger.
Include unapplied payments: Select this option if you want the report to include any payments that have not been applied to any vendor invoice or expense account.
AE view: Select this option if you want the report to separate the data by account manager.
AE view page break: Select this option if you want the report to insert a page break between account managers.
Summary view: Select this option if you prefer to run this report in summary view instead of a detailed one. Selecting this option will produce a report that shows only one line per vendor.
First period/second period/third period: You can customize your bucket periods here on the AR aging report. So, if you don’t prefer the typical 30/60/90 period breakout, you can change it to whatever you like here.
To run this report, enter the search criteria in the left side panel and select PDF, Excel, or Email from the top left corner of the AP aging report screen.
Customizable listings:
When you need more options than what is available in the report center in Workamajig, using your listings is a great alternative to get information and run lists quickly. We’ll use your vendor invoice listing as an example here but keep in mind that all listings in Workamajig work the same way, and you will be able to get the same kind of results using your payments listing as well for monitoring your AP data.
Go to Menu > Purchasing > Vendor invoices
Notice at the top of the vendor invoice listing, there is a dropdown menu already populated with many different variations of lists that can be pulled from this screen. Scroll through the available listings, select the one you want, and then hit the Search button at the top left side of the screen.
To print this list, you can select the PDF, Excel, or Email icon located at the top left corner of the listing. If you have the security access, you can modify these listings or create your own.
Please get in touch with your Workamajig account manager for more information about customizing your listings by emailing support@workamajig.com